The Key Benefits of Training Your Dog

Dog training isn’t just about teaching your pet basic cues — it can play a critical role in their overall well-being and development. In fact, dogs whose owners have worked on their obedience training are less likely to exhibit behavioral problems that lead to them being relinquished to shelters or even euthanized. Read on to discover seven key benefits of dog training backed by scientific research and expert insights.

1. It improves your relationship with your dog.

When you participate in obedience training with your pup, it allows you to strengthen your bond and create a strong sense of mutual respect and trust. A stronger connection with your dog also helps you better understand what they’re communicating to you through their behavior – which can be especially useful when it comes to potty training, recall, and other crucial commands.

2. It gives your dog mental stimulation.

Regularly participating in dog training sessions will help to stimulate your pup’s mind and keep them from exhibiting destructive behaviors, like chewing on furniture or running away out of boredom. By engaging in obedience training exercises, you’ll give your dog something to work towards and make them feel accomplished when they successfully complete a task.

It’s important to remember that your dog has the attention span of a two-year-old, so it’s best to stick with short, but consistent, training sessions that are focused on one thing at a time. For example, if your dog jumps when people come to your home, focus on not jumping during training sessions and reward them with a treat every time they do not jump. By doing this, you’ll gradually start to see results until your dog learns not to jump when people enter the house.

3. It teaches your pet to be calm in public settings and on leash.

Having an obedience trained dog means that they will know how to behave in public settings and on a leash, which will make them less likely to engage in unwanted behavior such as running off, chasing wildlife, or even worse, hurting themselves with unsafe behavior. In addition, dog training can help to teach your pup how to tolerate having their ears, eyes, and mouth touched when they’re getting groomed or examined by a veterinarian, which can be a stressful experience for both you and your pet. There are more information on this at Bulldogology.

4. It helps your dog become more comfortable with new situations and people.

While you’re working on your obedience training, you’ll be exposing your pet to new environments and people – which can be very stressful for a dog. Dog training will help your pet become accustomed to these types of situations and people so they can be more comfortable in them in the future.

5. It can save you money on expensive home repairs or veterinary bills.

Behavioral problems are the leading cause of dogs being relinquished or euthanized, so it’s important to train your dog and establish good boundaries with them. Proper obedience training can help prevent your pet from behaving inappropriately, such as running into the street or chewing through an irreplaceable piece of furniture. It can also help to prevent your dog from becoming lost or injured by training them on the basics, such as sitting and coming when called (and having an up-to-date ID tag and microchip!).

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