Revolutionizing Oral Health With Dental Implants

Dental implants are a restorative treatment that mimics the look and feel of natural teeth. Unlike dentures or bridges, they do not slip around and can help patients enjoy healthy eating habits.

The first step in getting dental implants is a comprehensive dental exam. This includes taking X-rays and 3D images of your mouth and jaw.

They Look and Feel Like Natural Teeth

Dental implants are a popular tooth replacement choice because they look and feel like your natural teeth. They are even stronger than your natural teeth and allow you to eat almost anything without the worry of a broken tooth or slipping dentures. The implant post consists of a titanium rod that looks like a tooth’s root and is placed in the jaw bone where a missing tooth would normally grow. It has screw-like threads that fuse with the bone and create a strong foundation for an artificial tooth.

As with natural teeth, you should practice good oral hygiene to maintain your dental implants and prevent infection and damage. This includes brushing and flossing regularly and visiting your dental professional for regular cleanings and checkups. Your dental professionals may recommend a special brush to help you clean the nooks and crannies in between your teeth, gums, and metal posts. You should also avoid smoking and tooth-staining habits to promote a healthy mouth.

They Stimulate Bone Growth

Implants stimulate the bone like a natural tooth root, promoting new growth and inhibiting resorption. This prevents the bone from shrinking and can improve facial structure. It also eliminates the need for a dental bridge or dentures that rest on adjacent teeth, which can cause decay and damage those teeth.

A dentist will evaluate your health and determine if you are a candidate for implants. During surgery, an oral surgeon drills a hole in your jawbone and screws in a metal post that replaces the root of the missing tooth. Once it heals, an artificial tooth can be attached to the post.

If the jawbone is too thin or soft, you may need a bone graft to create a solid base for the implant. This is usually done with a piece of bone from another part of the body or a synthetic bone-substitute material. Some patients also receive plasma rich in growth factors during surgery to further encourage bone healing and speed up the recovery.

They Prevent Bone Loss

Implants mimic the function of your natural tooth root by preventing bone loss. The implant’s titanium material encourages a healthy osseointegration process in which the bone heals and grows around it, much like it would with a natural tooth root.

The loss of a tooth initiates a destructive cycle in which the jaw bone shrinks and deteriorates, causing the remaining teeth to become more brittle. In order to prevent further damage, it is important to replace a missing tooth as soon as possible with dental implants.

If you wait too long to replace a missing tooth, a bone graft may be necessary before you can receive an implant. A bone graft involves taking a section of healthy bone from another area of your body and placing it in the deficient area.

If you choose to have dental implants, make sure you practice good oral hygiene at home and schedule regular visits to your dentist for maintenance. Proper oral health and proper implant placement can help ensure your restorations last a lifetime.

They Are Permanent

Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime for most people. However, they can sometimes fail. If this happens, it is possible to replace the implant with a new one, although bone grafting will be needed first. This is different than with dentures and bridges, which cannot be replaced without damaging the healthy teeth that serve as anchors.

The longevity of dental implants depends on several factors. They must be maintained regularly with proper oral hygiene and routine visits to the dentist. People should avoid smoking and clenching or grinding their teeth, as these habits can cause unnecessary stress that can damage the implants and their connected restorations.

It is also important to choose an implant system that is backed by research and offers a guarantee for its products. This will help ensure the quality of the implants and that they are safe to use.

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